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Avestria Ventures

Avestria Ventures

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Avestria Ventures is a young venture capital firm that invests in early-stage women's health and female-led healthcare companies. At Avestria, I've started and maintain the blog and the quarterly newsletter as well as own the company's social media sites and write about women in venture capital, female founders, and women's health.

"Articles about women's health usually start the same way: an otherwise perfectly healthy woman is in pain. After several visits and tests, her (typically male) doctors can't find the cause..."

                             -Business Insider op-ed,

                              September 2020

"Though women are 80% of the healthcare workforce, make 80% of household healthcare decisions, and spend 29% more per-capita on health care than men, digital health companies that focus on their health received only 3% of deals in the United States since 2011"                                                                                                   -FemTech Collective's                               FemTech Market Report,                               August 2021

"...As of 2019, white men still managed about 99% of the $7 trillion U.S. asset management industry (which includes hedge funds, private equity, and venture capital). At this rate, it will take about 200 years for female asset managers to achieve equal status."

                   -"How to Get More $$$ to                                  Diverse Investors & Founders",                       Avestria blog post, March 2022

Hearth Financing 

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At Hearth, I was a growth marketing associate focused on content, which included short-form (blog posts, emails, and in-app modules) and long-form (decks, e-books, and guides) focused on customer acquisition.  I also executed the company's first lead nurture campaigns, maintained its social media, and promoted and supported webinars hosted by the sales team to generate over $20k in revenue. 

"Selling with financing is building a muscle — you have to continue to work it in order to strengthen it and see the most success. But how do you start advertising your financing options? How can you approach the financing conversation with your clients? What strategies can you use to build your financing muscle?

Let us help."


             -"Hearth & You: what to expect                       from Hearth's financing coaches"

             Hearth blog post, December 2018

"Marshland had three deals 'on the hook'—clients who didn’t have the cash they needed to start the project and didn’t have any financing options. But Marshland didn’t offer financing. 'Never in my business have I been able to offer financing to customers,' [Owner] Barrett [Herbert] explains."


                   -"How Marshland Lawn &                                 Pressure Washing secured five                       new clients in one month by                          offering financing"

                    Hearth blog post, February 2019

"Think of your typical experience with potential clients. You spend hours speccing out the project, preparing your proposal, and visiting the site. You walk through the project and show your clients the high quality proposal, crew, and experience that you have to offer. But then the price comes up."


             -"How to pick the right                               financing option to grow your                 business",                                                   Hearth e-book, March 2019



PetSmart Home Office

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While I worked in the merchandising department during my time at PetSmart, I also took on additional projects with the copywriters starting in 2018 and subsequently developed endcap copy as well as educational and promotional content for the PetSmart app.

"Age isn't just a number: senior formulas contain glucosamine & chondroitin to help support joint health & mobility."


                          -Dog Food & Life Stages                              End cap signage

                            In-stores, January 2019

"Black cats cross your path? Don’t worry: these Halloween deals will turn your luck around! Our beds, toys, & treats will leave you and your cat grinning like jack-o-lanterns" 

                                                                                        -Cat-Ober Halloween Deals                         Carousal Copy: Title Card

             PetSmart Treats app, October 2019

"For cats on the prowl…take playtime from super fun to supernaturally fun Give your kitty a pumpkin (or two) of his own. He can swat, chase, and pounce on these Halloween toys. Their catnip filling makes them ghoulishly good!"


                 - Cat-Ober Halloween Deals                               Carousal Copy: Cat Toy Ad

                 PetSmart Treats app, October 2019

PetSmart Home Office
Stanford University

Stanford University

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I attended Stanford University from 2013 to 2017, graduating with a degree in English (with Honors) and with minors in History and Art History. While at Stanford, I wrote both for the Stanford Review (one of Stanford's student-run newspapers) and for the Stanford Flipside (Stanford's original student-run satirical magazine.) 

"Viewers can only form their own opinions and assess others’ beliefs that Kyle was “warrior-hero”, “a hate-filled killer”, or some area between this black-and-white, evil-and-good binary by watching American Sniper.


        -"Should American Sniper Come                Under Fire?"                                               A Stanford Review op-ed, May 2015


"Over this winter vacation, high school senior Harry Enright achieved the dreams of many of his peers: he was accepted early action into Stanford University. Despite Enright’s acceptance, however, his continued mediocrity still leaves his community a little underwhelmed."


      -"Area Boy Admitted into Stanford;                Area Community Still Unimpressed"             A Stanford Flipside article, January 2015        

"Additionally, it not only costs thousands of dollars in lost benefits that are tied to compensation but also means that a woman has significantly fewer dollars to pay for child care, clothes, educations, gas, or groceries, among other necessities. This pay gap is even greater for African-American and Latina women: African-American women earn about $0.64 and Latina women earn about $0.56 per Caucasian man’s dollar, which is the standard for comparison.  

                                                                                           -"Still $0.23 Short: The Debate                     Surrounding the Workplace                        Wage Gap"

                A Stanford Review news article,                 April 2014

Other Writing


Other writing of mine includes both analytical essays and creative stories.

"From skulls to hourglasses, from flowers with seemingly short lives to banquets whose once-sumptuous contents will inevitably rot; the sense of ticking time permeated seventeenth century Flemish still-lifes. These painted reminders of mortality, called vanitas paintings, also foreshadowed Enlightenment theorists, who believed death negated the joys of human existence, which was just as fleeting and fragile as flowers"


      -"A Conveyance of Rationality or a          Connection to an Irrational World?"        An analytical essay


"Her braid is in her face.


As annoying as it is, rogue hair is currently the least of her worries. She can simply push it back behind her left shoulder and leave her mind free to whirl through the possibility that she is in the wrong place, has come at the wrong time or has generally made some sort of wrong turn.  


And it’s her first day too."

                                                                                           -"The Riveter: A Novel"

                  An unpublished novel


© 2025 by Eva Epker

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